Giving Mission – formed to provide telemedicine and creative health-related solutions to the disadvantaged (WE SERVE ANYONE IN NEED!) and to as many faith based Christian leaders, and their families, and faith-based Students as possible – to support the vision of “healthy body, healthy soul, and healthy mind” .
(Giving Mission was formed as a tax-exempt 501c3 charitable group in 2019)
Creative Healthcare Solutions – For The Underserved
Key General issue - the sheer number of underserved adults and children.
At first blush, the number is staggering. How do you effectively reach such a large number of underserved people and maintain the health care provided to ensure continuity of care and long-term health maintenance? We offer telemedicine as a logical health care delivery vehicle to team with any plan to provide coordinated quality medical care to the largest number of service area individuals.
Our journey – a Proof of Concept
Clergy Needs
Since 2007, The Duke Endowment every two years has continued an ongoing study focused on the subject of improving clergy health. This ongoing study indicates that the clergy are among the nation’s most overworked people and that the long hours and constant stress of the job weigh on their health and lead to many pastors failing to take care of themselves.
Important – 59% of all churches in the United States have fewer than 99 members & 60% of the clergy in those churches have No Health Insurance!